Hi there, we're Aman + Tom!

We are 2 lawyers turned life strategists for couples. We help couples go from having a good life, the one society and our parents told us would make us happy, to a remarkable life by design. 

We do this by:

  • teaching couples how to do Quarterly Marriage Alignment Retreats through our instructional videos and step-by-step workbook and 
  • working with couples 1:1 before the QMAR and after the QMAR, so dreams are realized faster and with more ease. 

We are high-achieving, driven individuals. We met in law school in 2009 and were decade plus-long practicing lawyers in private practice up until this year, with Aman being a Partner for 6 years.

Once we became lawyers in 2013, we thought we’d be “happy” ‘cause we had achieved our career goals. But the reality was that early in our careers, we had become so focused on work and people-pleasing, that our relationship suffered along with our hobbies and other interests.

As part of our evolution, in 2017, we became attracted to the financial independence movement (FIRE and then FI) and worked hard on our financial stability. 

In 2019, we got engaged and wanted to create common goals and plan a future tailored for us. So, this led us to doing a QMAR Program with Okeoma Moronu & Dave Schreiner in January 2020. Special shout out to them for teaching us, so we can teach you! 

It helped us get clarity on our life goals and direction as a couple and find the space and time to start talking about big dreams. 

We’ve been doing QMARs quarterly now for almost 5 years! And, we’re so passionate about QMARs that we’re on a mission to help couples who want something different from life but don’t know how to get there and think they “don’t have time”. 

There is such power in quick decision cycles when you’re doing QMARs. Here are some of the dreams we’ve planned for and realized:

  • Became millionaires in our 30s and created financial stability that allowed us to both retire ourselves from the practice of law just a month apart (April and May 2024), so we can pursue our next dreams of entrepreneurship and a life by our own design
  • Started a family with fertility assistance at the ages of 35 and 36 (2022)
  • Building a real estate portfolio (ongoing)
  • Traveled through Amsterdam and Portugal for 6 weeks with Matteo, when he was 3-month-old (2022) 
  • Taken Matteo on 26 flights before he turned 2 years old (2022-2024)
  • Aman built up a side business teaching yoga to lawyers and hosting Vision Board Workshops (Beyond Yoga for Lawyers 2021-2023)
  • Aman and Matteo were extras in 2 rom-com movies: Coupled Up for Christmas (2023) and Me & Mr. Christmas (2023) 
  • Invested in a local start-up company (2020) that ended up failing
  • Traveled to Amsterdam, Vico Equense and Sardinia, Italy for the month of June 2024 as a family before the arrival of our second child in Nov 2024

Aman loves fries, Turkish dramas and going to spiritual retreats. 

Tom loves chocolate, nerding out on personal finance and investing and playing flag football. 

Be sure to connect with us by joining our email list! Our email insiders know everything FIRST, so sign up now!  


Let us help you start planning for a more intentional life by your own design!

We're so happy that you found us!  Just spending some time with us is going to change the trajectory of your life!

"You are the average of the 5 five people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn.  So choose wisely, my friend! 

Life Strategist for Couples