Millionaires in our 30s: From Hustle to Life on Our Terms [Part 2/2]

Season #1

Early in our legal careers, we hustled and followed advice to “be conservative” and pushed down who we really are and what we really wanted in life.

BUT in 2018, we took action and started taking back control of our lives. Listen in to hear the action steps we took!

In 2017, Aman paid off $98,500 in student loan debt and a Mercedes she bought (thank you lifestyle creep and to Tom for buying one too!). And, she paid it all off in 3.5 years, after desperately wanting just $1 to her name!

Only to find out soon after that Tom had learned about the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) path. In 2018, Tom got Aman on board reluctantly and we sold both our Mercedes and became a one car family and increased our savings rate to 50-90% of our incomes!

We later switched to the financial independence (FI) path, created multiple income streams, became millionaires in our 30s and earlier this year retired ourselves from the law at 38, with a 2 year old and a baby on the way. These choices have allowed us to pursue our next dreams of entrepreneurship! 

Now, we have the time freedom we only dreamed of!

Know this: What we've dreamed up individually and for our family might not be what YOU dream of for your life and that's what makes this work so fun!  

What do you dream of for your life? 

We are known for making someday happen and can help you do the same! Let us help you make your dreams a reality!

Listen to hear how we did it, what steps we’ve taken and how you can too!

This show is a MUST-LISTEN for driven couples!

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